Do we need to meet our mentors?

Is this true?  good question right?  Most investors or whoever is starting a business says it’s important to have mentors. But let’s think about it for a second, ok?

I, for instance have never met my mentors, wait don’t say you have to, not necessarily, think about the books you have read, or videos you looked at, maybe you’ve seen your “mentor” on TV.

For me, I started my journey to become a better man years ago, my first book on self help was given to me by a childhood friend “The four agreements” but you might say it’s a book, and yes that’s true…. let’s continue…

Books and Video’s  

A mentor I never met is Jim Rohn, he was a public speaker, I would say a cross between motivation and business philosopher, if you ever heard him speak he gave you step by step on being a better person and his opinion on business philosophy.

I consumed tons of materials from Jim over the years, wrote notes down in my notebook, downloaded audio books that I still listen to today.

Another person I would consider a “mentor” is Warren Buffett, in my opinion the master of investing, I bought a few books about him, seen his interviews on CNBC and video’s on YouTube.

Never met him, but I learned what his criteria is for investing  and I applied it for myself, it’s called modeling someone you would like to be.

Supposed you don’t meet your mentor

And that’s ok, nothing wrong with that, of course you can’t ask questions or have lunch with someone you probably won’t or can’t meet.

But you can have mentors regardless if you meet them in person or just listen or read about them, I heard Tony Robbins say “Success Leaves Clues” and that’s in the form of print or video, and as long as you can learn and apply what you want to accomplish and work on your goals daily anything can happen.

The key is consistency, never giving up and not get distracted by people who are afraid of us moving ahead and leaving them behind, don’t fall for that.

Some books I recommend.

Any audio from Jim Rohn

The four Agreements – Don Miguel Ruiz

The Tao of Warren Buffett- Mary Buffett & David Clark

Think and Grow Rich- Napoleon Hill


Thanks for reading, Keep the momentum going, Good things will happen.

Stay safe.








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